Casino Microgaming is the portal that contains the most live and actual information about Microgaming casinos and games. The content of the site is created for news and entertainment aims, it can’t be considered as any kind of advice. We simply describe the present posture of affairs in the gambling houses and provide the items of their terms.
Though the reviews of the casinos get updated and we keep track of the news, the set of bonuses, min deposit or wagering requirements of the gambling houses may change once in a while. The site doesn’t bear liability for the changes and provides only the info from the web pages of the casinos.
The portfolio of the slot reviews is constantly refilling with new releases and does not include any advertising in no sense. All the features, bonuses, conditions described are obtained from the games themselves. Besides, the pictures used in the reviews are taken in a result of our playing process. The features caught are real, though made in a fun mode.
Please, notice that all the trademarks mentioned within the site belong to their owners and the surveys don’t try to give the law in any suggestion. Herewith, we ask the visitors of treat the reviewers with respect and take into account all the points mentioned above.
Each review of the site provides an opportunity to leave comments and exchange the experiences. Please, esteem each others’ opinions, don’t post advertising messages in any description and share your own attempts for the others to take advantage of them.